Monday, October 26, 2009

Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up. Loneliness has been my long lasting companion. I am so used to it now that it has become a wishful state of living. If I don't get to be lonely one day, that day is never complete. It is in this state of living that I feel my truest emotions. Its the time when I have my life brought to my notice. Here are a few things that I have written down when feelings soared its heights..


When life has fallen astray,

you come to a point from where you don't know your way.

I stand here today in this path, to see a glimmer of hope.

Confusion, Dilemma and worries are bound

All in my mind with a single rope.

My life is falling apart,

I do not know what to do.

Why did I aspire so much,

Alas! if only I knew.

With so much in my mind,

even pain and death seem so kind.

Finally I have reached a point,

where it cannot get more worse.

I know no pain, I know no fear,

And all I hear HIM say is,

" Trust ME, I am here".


Will there be any light at the end of the tunnel?

I hope I don't end up asking this question forever.

I am tired of waiting and fighting all alone.

I am afraid to loose and this is clearly shown.

The clear principle I am being tought here is to be modest and humble.

I know I am neither it is my flaw.

I ask YOU to show me a way, and you only say,

" Talk less about yourself".

My mind is not working, I am not able to think.

I am not yet strong in my mind, it is so weak.

I don't know what to ask for, all I can do is cry,

YOU are my only hope, please don't leave me so dry.


Its hard to know that you chase your dreams.

Dreams keep ones hope alive,

allows him to live life and thrive.

A dream is like a bird,

the more you go after them the more they delude you and soar high.

Is it good to finally catch hold of them?

In that case do you stop at that point?

If you let them soar higher,

you keep going higher after them too,

and you never catch hold of them.

Of what use?

Where do you put the line of demarcation ?

It is this that makes us more human.

Here I stand chasing a dream,

with no clue how to proceed.

Everyday, I only look at your picture.

Are you hearing me, I do not know.

But I only know you give me the strength to go.


Pleasure is Pain, Pain is Sweet.

In this painful pleasure,

I keep waiting for you.

Not a day has gone past

without a thought of you,

I dont know how you look

Nor do I know anything about you .

But still, I keep waitng for you .

A day would come when we will meet,

And life from then on, would all be so sweet.

Until then my dear one,

I will be waiting for you,

Waiting only for you.


How I wish I knew how to begin,

Before I start, I stop thinking.

My mind wanders free,

Completely in your thought.

I feel so empty, so lost and caught.

At this point, How I wish;

You next to me, and I next to you,

You had me and I had you,

How I wish, we could walk so long,

How I wish, we could talk all along,

How I wish I could see you all day long.

How I wish you could be my only one.

How I wish I could be myself,

How I wish you could be yourself.

Of them all,

How I wish I loved you as I have never before,

and you loved me as no one has ever before.